Community Life Agency

The Community Life Agency (CLA) is a charitable, non-for-profit, non-governmental and non-political organization seeking to advocate for the rights of humanity focusing on youth, women and children to render services for the holistic development of their potential in communities for the expected benefits of society.

 CLA, which is an arm operating under the Lifeline Ministries Church aims to render support and counseling to war affected youths; especially (drug abused youths, street girls, single female parents, the disabled children, orphans and neglected old folks) that are homeless around the Old Road Community and its environs. The organization is legally registered as a NGO under the Laws of the Republic of Liberia operating as a Life Serving Agency to address the many economic conditions of young people in the Liberian society, to enable them leave the street from the numeral crime activities affecting societal in our nation; Liberia. The organization is very much successful in   gathering these groups of vulnerable people to be able to give hope for transforming their lives into useful citizens. The organization has gathered street youths; mainly the drug abused ones from the various ghettos around the city of Monrovia to be part of what God wants to do in their lives. The old folks along with disabled people within the Old Road Community and beyond have also been targeted to the contribution, which seems to   immensely have impact for them through the programs and development of young people at local community level to meet their economic potential.

CLA goal is the dream of a young visionary personality; Pastor, Mr. Samuel G. Yarweh, Jr who became successful with that   reality several years ago in giving help through self-initiatives.

He served and continues to serve as the Executive Director who is using his inter-personal skills and   spiritual guidance through the grace of God and team building to form a working group committed to the promotion of the ideals of his initiative. Through him and his group, the lives of several young people have changed by imbibing the spirit and commitment to community development as a collective approach in enhancing the socio-economic living conditions of young people through making them self-reliance and contributors to national development.

CLA intends to advocate for the rights, protection and all forms of violence against youths, women and children through programs that will build their capacity and have   positive impact on them both spiritually and physically to their lives in society. It also needs help to give youths vocational skills by providing marketable training that will improve their  productivities.

Among many initiatives, CLA aims to offer Vocational Skills:

1. work in training these gathered drug abused youths from the ghettos through economic empowerment activities that will include:

  •  Auto Mechanics
  •  Carpentry
  •  Masonry
  •  Pastry
  •  Tailoring
  •  Computer Science
  •  Business Development (eg. soup making, hair dressing, etc.)

2. Academic Engagement

  • Literacy Program for school dropouts
  • Support for pre-primary education for less fortunate  children including orphans.

CLA as a community oriented NGO believes that these    initiative will help reduce crime rate that is on the increase in the Liberian society and enable prepare young people for possible employment that will mitigate poverty and improve their livelihood in the communities. These can be achieve through building a partnership with potential national and international partners who are responding to the vulnerable sustainability to achieve general goals and objectives of young people in society.

3. CLA focus is also aimed as working with youths and   women groups to gain self-confidence, that will support them to pursue leadership role within community and society’s governance as well as contributing to positive change.  

4.To provide assistance to women, children and disabled  people through the provision of feeling program that will sustain their livelihood.


CLA, as an humanitarian and charitable organization will among many  activities undertake program initiatives by:

A. Planning, developing and executing continue programs at community level for economic empowerment;

C. Keep empowering young people for marketable venture that will allow them contribute to society;

D. Develop Agriculture program that will enable young people get involve into food production for fighting food insecurity;

E. Engage into advocacy for healthy environment through sanitation activities in various community that will help reduce diseases affecting children and the community at large;

F. Carry out sensitization and awareness campaigns to have youths aware about sexually transmitted disease I  in the communities, preparing them for prevention through workshops and youth events in communities;

 G. Carry on program that will make provision for clothing and feet wears for street children and youths to enable them attend church services and other useful events in the communities;

 H. Continue to collaborate with partners in developing program such as (students food feeding) that will help increased primary schools attendance especially for girls children and orphans, so as to help reduce the low rate of population in school attendance.

I. Carry on water and sanitation work with youth participation to address environmental health related  situation; especially in the slums communities, educate the community dwellers about safety measures; how to  keep their environment clean and utilize facilities to safe drinking water & latrines.;

J. Prepare community garbage disposal sites, carry out  massive sensitization through exercises that will  prevent air-borne diseases such as malaria, diarrheal, cholera, etc.

K. Carried on regular counseling for drug abused youths in various ghettos around the communities through a regular feeling activities that will encourage them divert their interest from being in the street, which is Will reduce threat of violation against society.

L. Organize events with these street youths to allow them associate with other community youths, which we believe will give way to their acceptance in society once again.




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