About Lifeline Ministries International

The Ministry is established to proclaim the Full Gospel Message by planting churches, schools, caring for the unfortunate children, and building hospitals, clinics that will cater the lives of people. The Ministry is also a community based; Christ Centered charismatic body that operates in diverse communities of Monrovia and other county; where there is no differentiation made on the basis of gender, tribe, status, affiliation or nationality, but with the focus to keep spreading the Good News about Jesus Christ, thereby reaching man in every community. 


  • To win the lost souls at all cost in every part of society;
  • Minister to the total man through sound Biblical Teaching with the help of the Holy Spirit;
  • Reaping the End Time Harvest through planting of satellite Churches, Hospitals, Clinics and Training Centers;
  • Providing educational support with strong Biblical Foundation, by establishing schools wherever the church is planted that will cater to less fortunate children, women and youths with a tuition free opportunity to the less privilege beyond bounds;
  • Building rehabilitation centers for drug abused youths and giving them skills training that will make them economically empowered for self-sustainability in society;
  • Providing medical support by building health centers with programs for social welfares approach.


The Ministry’s Mission is to Give Life to the Total Man, raising a Generation of Leaders to know their purpose for living” and to show forth the His Glory of God; thereby impacting their communities as champions, leaders and God's representatives on the earth.


1. We believe in the verbal plenary inspiration of all Scriptures – 2Tim. 3:16; 2Pet. 1:21;

2. We believe the Bible is the Word of God. It is Inerrant, Infallible, and Authoritative for belief and Practice;

3. We believe in the tri-unity of the Godhead; co-equal, co-existence, on in essence yet distinct in operation;

4. We believe in the virgin, miraculous birth of Jesus; His sinless life, substitutional death; bodily resurrection; victory over the power of darkness; His imminent Second Coming to rapture the church and judge the world; and His Millennium reign;

5. We believe in the fall of man, which make regeneration absolutely   necessary;

6. We believe that a personal, definite encounter with Jesus by Faith constitutes true salvation;

7. We believe in personal holiness as a lifestyle and total separation unto God;

8. We believe in the present and active ministry of the Holy Spirit;

9. We believe that the Baptism in the Holy Spirit with the initial evidence of speaking with other tongues as the Spirit gives the utterances is for every believer today;

10. We believe that each believer must desire, seek to excel, and   covet earnestly spiritual gifts – 1 Cor. 12:31; 14:1, 39;

11. We believe that strategic-level warfare is the key to successful evangelism and must therefore be emphasized and practiced;

12. We believe that Divine Healing is obtained by Faith through the Atoning Blood of Jesus and is an active ministry of the church today;

13. We believe every local fellowship and believer must give serious attention to Evangelism, because it is the Supreme task of the Church;

14. We believe Mission is the “Heartbeat” of God. Therefore it must be given top priority;

15. We believe a praying church is an aggressive church. Therefore we must not only talk about prayers but be deeply involved;

16. We believe in cooperation and unity within the Body of Christ;

17. We believe in Water Baptism by immersion.

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